Breathing easier, living better thanks to Operation Nightingale


For two weeks in September 2016, a team of international volunteer doctors, nurses and allied health professionals joined the Awareness Cambodia Operation Nightingale team to assist in providing medical services in remote regions within the Kampong Speu Province where there are no existing health clinics. At one of these remote clinics, a 35-year-old female presented who, at the age of 18, had been diagnosed with asthma. Since this diagnosis her symptoms had been ongoing as she had received no treatment and, consequently, she was unable to work – which put a strain on her family and household. After hearing about the clinic being run in her village by Operation Nightingale, the patient came to the clinic and for the first time received treatment for her asthma. As a result of the treatment provided, her symptoms have dramatically reduced and she has been able to receive follow-up care by our Operation Nightingale Medical Director, Dr Chenda. On a recent visit to a Operation Nightingale clinic, the patient reported that she is now able to work in her family’s rice field and complete her household chores. As an indication of the massive improvement in her health that our treatment has provided, she reported that in the most recent harvest (November-December 2017), she was able to join in harvesting the rice with her family without shortness of breath. She is incredibly grateful for the difference that our care has made to her life and her family, and wants to thank Awareness Cambodia and all the volunteers and donors that support the Operation Nightingale program and clinics.