Awareness Cambodia’s distinct approach empowers Cambodian children by focusing on transitional educational homes integrated with allied community health and education services.
Much time has been invested into developing programmes that create a ‘brighter future’ with a sense of hope and opportunity. That time introduced us to a new paradigm for orphans in developing countries; why couldn’t orphans become young professionals! This in turn led the introduction of the Graduation House project.
Our truly unique model is producing future leaders with hope and knowledge that they will play their part in transforming Cambodia. This holistic immersion empowers children ultimately leading to a transformation from danger and hopelessness to safety, opportunity and prosperity.
We continue to expand our range of operations to benefit not just vulnerable children through our Child Development programmes but the neighbouring villages and wider community of Kompong Speu. Our team is dedicated to breaking cycles of poverty, abuse, illiteracy and neglect and give families a chance to move beyond current limitations. Medical and Educational tools provide much needed social services to help create generational change.