
Change is happening!

There’s been lots of activity at Sunshine House lately:

Our thanks go to the team of 24 students and staff from Swan Trades Training Centre who not only built a performance stage and wooden cabinet for the audio system but also updated and improved the electrical systems. Our kids have been making good use of the stage – playing music, performing traditional Khmer dances and putting on dramatic shows. bus 2

Getting to and from school is now so much safer for our kids. The new Sunshine School Bus has made the journey much better for our students, who can now concentrate on their studies without worrying about travelling to classes.  We’ve already begun making plans to build a new garage toloo house our yellow bus.

Also, the boys’ dorms now have toilets on the upper floors – making any night-time calls of nature much easier and safer to answer.

Another enormous change happening is the renovation of the kitchen. We prepare over a thousand meals each week in our kitchen – so the old one was definitely in need of a makeover!  The renovation included new tiles, work benches, sinks, cookers, a pantry and a new paint job. Amazingly, our staff managed to continue preparing meals for our students by working around the renovations taking place. With a new kitchen, everyone is sure that the famous Sunshine House Fried Chicken is going to taste even better!

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Finally, the House of Progress received more than 20 lovely wooden chairs from the  2013 Impact team.HOP new chairs (1) (1)

The dining chairs are used not only during eating but also for English classes and meetings – making life a lot more comfortable for our students.

A very big thank you to everyone who has helped us to provide these valuable resources.