
Perth College students visit Sunshine House

From the moment we arrived, children and staff welcomed us with open arms, with each  day a highlight. Some of the highlights from the trip include:sixth story-enewsletter-perth college visit Sunshine House (2)

Watching a sow give birth to 10 piglets at the Eco Farm.

Playing endless games of ‘tag’ (the most popular game with the kids).

Painting the girls dorm hot pink.

Joining a beautiful community of children singing together with such gusto each evening.sixth story-webcopy-perth college visit Sunshine House (3)

Cooking a humongous pile of sausages and onions for a traditional ‘Aussie Barbecue’, which the children ate with rice.

It was truly an incredibly special moment when we watched the children’s faces as they opened their birthday presents from the Perth College community. Even though they were receiving the gifts, their trust and genuine nature taught us much about what it is like to be generous without judgement.”